Thursday, September 15, 2011

Acupuncture Points for Fertility

Chinese medicine is now used by many people around the world as a way to enhance their fertility. Women and men alike  may benefit from the vast knowledge available to us from this ancient healing art.  Acupuncture is the focal point of Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to achieve desired results. These points are specific locations on the body that are stimulated by acupuncture needles. To locate an acupuncture point, an acupuncturist looks for specific anatomical locations on the body. Treatment involves combining acupuncture points to form a  "prescription" for each individual client based on their unique constitution.
For clients looking to enhance their fertility, there are many acupuncture points on the body that may be used.  Below is a description of a few of the acupuncture points that are commonly used to enhance fertility. For specific points that may benefit you, please consult an acupuncturist.
  • Spleen 6 - located on the inside of the lower leg, 3 inches above the prominence of the ankle bone, just behind the tibia.  Spleen 6 regulates menstruation and calms the spirit.
  • Ren 6 - located on the midline of the body 3 inches below the navel.   Ren 6 benefits the uterus to aid conception.
  • Stomach 29 - located 4 inches below and 2 inches lateral to the navel.  Stomach 29 is one of the points used in the treatment before an IVF transfer to help improve pregnancy rates.
  • Zigong - located on the lower abdomen on either side of the body just above the pubic bone. Zigong is a classical point for enhancing fertility.
  • Kidney 3 - located on the inside of the lower leg half way between the inner ankle bone and the achilles tendon. Kidney 3tonifies the Kidney Qi to support healthy reproductive function.

Deadman, Peter. A Manual of Acupuncture.  East Sussex:  Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications, 2001